Browsing all posts tagged with Chaos.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada – Review

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada – Review

Battlefleet Gothic is the latest Games Workshop licence to be translated into the digital realm with Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, a real time strategy game by Tindalos Interactive and published by Focus Home Interactive. The original tabletop game is a horrendously complicated turn-based miniatures game…

The Beginner’s Guide to the ZX Spectrum

The Beginner’s Guide to the ZX Spectrum

I’m English. I rarely think about what that actually means. Maybe these days, it doesn’t mean a whole lot. Nowadays, it’s easy for young ‘uns who know fuck all about fuck all to complain about everything this country stands for and has to offer. I…

Chaos Reborn: Interview with Julian Gollop

Chaos Reborn: Interview with Julian Gollop

Almost thirty years after it was first released, Chaos: The Battle of Wizards continues to entertain and enchant one of the most loyal fanbases in retro gaming. With a brand new reboot, Chaos Reborn, announced, we caught up with the game’s creator, Julian Gollop,…