Browsing all posts tagged with C&C.

Best of 2015: St. Jude’s Management Club

Best of 2015: St. Jude’s Management Club

First Published: May 13, 2015
Voted For By: Chris
Reason(s) For Vote:
“This one is pretty much me through and through. Scrambling around for time to dedicate to some 100+ hour real time strategy, grabbing little goes here and there, only to find that you’re

St. Jude’s Management Club

St. Jude’s Management Club

It isn’t often that people will consider a genre that they are not especially good at ‘a favourite’ because repeated failure and fuck ups can lead to anger which, aside from being the path to the Dark Side, often ends in dismissal and a simmering,…

End of Nations Preview

End of Nations Preview

Whenever someone mentions the Real-Time Strategy genre, I’m plunged back into a world of nostalgia and happy memories of me and my friend Tom playing Command and Conquer: Red Alert for hours on end after school. Fast forward to 2012 and, instead of welcoming us…