Browsing all posts tagged with Captain America.

LEGO Marvel’s Avengers – Review

LEGO Marvel’s Avengers – Review

While some people steer away from LEGO games like they’re plague-bearing clowns, others can’t help but embrace them, with the fun, family-friendly gameplay often delivering a more easy-going gaming experience amidst the shooty bang-bang stuff or the weird, surreal, or shit-scary titles out there. This…

What’s So Special About Games?

What’s So Special About Games?

It seems as though these days you can’t swing a cat without hitting a “controversial” video game; something that has stirred outrage within sections of the gaming community, the whole gaming community or often that mainstream media we hear so much about. This isn’t a…

Captain America: Super Soldier – Review

Captain America: Super Soldier – Review

Captain America is the game of the film of the comic that features one of Marvel’s least interesting heroes. For the uninitiated (and that included me), Captain America is a non-superhero who was created in the early ’40s as a propaganda tool, with most of…