Browsing all posts tagged with Bulletstorm.

Finish Them!

Finish Them!

While most gamers have to-play piles, and like to worry about them (while forever adding to them) others are infinitely more concerned about that irritating sub-pile: the half-played pile. This wretched heap consists of all those games that, for whatever reason, someone never got around…

Best of 2015: Hurricane Epic

Best of 2015: Hurricane Epic

First Published: Sep 30, 2015
Voted For By: Keegan
Reason(s) For Vote:
“There’s really not much to say about this one. I’m not much of a shooter guy, but I grew up playing Timesplitters and that leaves a mark on a person. The sort of

Hurricane Epic

Hurricane Epic

Innovation is a concept most would have been hard-pressed to associate with the FPS genre over the course of the last generation, except in the context of a distinct lack thereof, of course. The explosive rise and popularity of Call Of Duty led to many…