Browsing all posts tagged with Brink.

In Defense of Brink

In Defense of Brink

We live in a gaming time of triple-A titles, where a company is made or broken on the success of its tent pole release. Alas, much like the film industry, this leads some companies to lean on established franchises and brand names in order to…

BRINK – Review

BRINK – Review

Parkour... with guns It’s fair to say that out of all the different genres of game currently available on consoles, first person shooters are among the most common. The likes of Call of Duty, Halo, Left 4 Dead and their numerous imitations fill the shelves,…

Brink Release Date Moved

Those of us looking forward to Bethesda’s upcoming first-person shooter, Brink, will no doubt be pleased to know that it’s bucking the recent trend of delaying video game releases by bringing forward the street date of Brink by one week. Instead of May 17th, the…