Browsing all posts tagged with Braiiiiinnnnnsss.

Z-Run – Review

Z-Run – Review

Like zombies? How about running? If the answer to either of those questions is yes, then you’ll probably get some enjoyment out of Z-Run, Beatshapers’ recent downloadable-only title. Z-Run is a simple running game that is similar in nature to the likes of Temple

Resident Evil 6 – Review

Resident Evil 6 – Review

For a long time now, the Resident Evil series has been going through some changes, and like most things, it hasn’t always worked out so well. Resident Evil 4 saw the series move from the trademark fixed-camera view to an over-the-shoulder third-person view, brought in…

Dead Island Patch List Released

It’s been a while since the glitch ridden zombie bashing game was released, but today comes the news that a patch is on the way for Dead Island and the list of fixes is longer than GL’s birthday list.  Here they are in full: Gameplay…