Browsing all posts tagged with Bethesda.

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Review

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Review

There are few games which, years after release, remain the benchmark against which all other games within that genre are measured. Back in 2002 it was The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind that set the role playing fanatics’ tongues wagging over the vast gameplay world and…

Fallout MMO Reaches Apocalypse

Remember the Fallout MMO from Interplay? The development of the post-apocalyptic time guzzler was announced to varied degrees of enthusiasm but quickly adopted a silent stance as questions rose over whether this fabled title would ever transpire. Then, in the summer of 2010, the first…

Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition Announced

Assume the position... It was only a matter of time, but for those whose journey through the neon depravities of Vegas and the surrounding desert is nothing but a distant memory, Bethesda’s latest announcement about their Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition may renew some interest. …