Browsing all posts tagged with Bastion.

Bastion – E3 Preview

Bastion – E3 Preview

During the excursion to PAX East earlier this year, fellow GamingLives writer Lee stumbled across a game that captured his imagination. Ever since that fateful day he’s been constantly badgering on about it; at every available moment he’d wax lyrically about ‘this game’ he…

The Time My Adventure Ended

The Time My Adventure Ended

Three steps to heaven. Last day of the show and it was hard to believe the amount of stuff we’d seen in just two and a half days; it’s not over yet though, and I was determined to make the most of my last day.…

Bastion – Preview and Interview

Bastion – Preview and Interview

“Our hero sits down, fires up his laptop and begins to type. He wants to tell people about a story he heard… the story of Bastion.” You know how every year there is an indie game that becomes available for download, a game that is…