Browsing all posts tagged with Assassin’s Creed.

The Answer To Life, The Universe And Everything

The Answer To Life, The Universe And Everything

Apparently women think about shopping every 60 seconds and guys think about sex every 53 seconds.  Personally, I think that’s rubbish but it was in a newspaper and everything,
so with that in mind I thought I’d conduct a very sciencey type experiment thing…

Gaming Anorexia

Gaming Anorexia

One definition of a glassy stare Gaming as a hobby is one of those odd things.  While at the same time as being inclusive and something to share, it can, at times, be an oddly isolating and lonely experience.  I’m not talking about those little…

All The Time In The World

All The Time In The World

January first - the day for positive change. Off to a good start this year, let's see if it continues! Unfortunately, as with most people scurrying around in the rat race, there’s either never enough time or what little time is afforded to us by…