Browsing all posts tagged with Arkham Asylum.

The Survival of Horror

The Survival of Horror

For fans of survival horror, there’s nothing more terrifying than to watch our beloved genre lose its personality, tainted by either the misguided notion that more action-oriented gameplay will increase appeal, or simply descend into outright mediocrity. The indie horror scene may be currently thriving…

The Two Faces of Arkham City

The Two Faces of Arkham City

Arkham City is a game that while utterly brilliant, is also slightly flawed. While it is clear that Rocksteady have delivered another iconic game, possibly a game of the year, there are still a few issues that we… ahem I have noticed. (Good) Mark: Rocksteady…

The Perfect Knight

The Perfect Knight

After a year of playing Batman Arkham Asylum, I finally finished it. The 100% achievement, Perfect Knight, is mine. To be honest, I’m not much of an achievement chaser; usually it’s a case of playing through the main storyline, getting some multiplayer done if there…