Browsing all posts tagged with arcade shooters.

Pixel Hunter – Review

Pixel Hunter – Review

Pixel Hunter by Georgian dev team Lemondo, is yet another 8-bit styled arcade title that has found its way onto the PlayStation Vita via iOS and Android. The game mixes 2D gameplay with a 3D voxel engine, which sounds impressive on paper but this run-and-gun…

Astebreed – Review

Astebreed – Review

Astebreed is an old-school arcade-style shoot ‘em from Japanese indie developers Edelweiss (not very Japanese sounding, but whatever) and has found its way to the PS4 after doing its time on Steam for a couple of years. Now, normally with a genre as large and…



ARMED SEVEN, a game developed by Astro Port, puts you in the cockpit of a small robot warrior as you fight wave after wave of enemies in a side-scrolling arcade-style shoot-em-up that made games like R-Type and Resogun famous. Unfortunately I highly doubt that ARMED