Browsing all posts tagged with adventure games.

Tell No Tales

Tell No Tales

I still remember when the first episode of Telltale’s The Walking Dead launched. Unsure what to expect, and having only played snippets of their Sam & Max games in the past, I ‘ummed and ahhed’ for approximately twelve seconds before thinking “ah what the

Blues and Bullets: Episode 1: The End of Peace – Review

Blues and Bullets: Episode 1: The End of Peace – Review

I’m not much of a history buff. Much of what I know about Elliot Ness and Al Capone is taken from the 1987 film The Untouchables and, really, all I can remember from that movie is Sean Connery’s terrible attempt at an Irish accent. So…

Life Is Strange: Episode 4 – The Dark Room – Review

Life Is Strange: Episode 4 – The Dark Room – Review

This review contains heavy spoilers for episodes one, two, and three so stop right now if you haven’t finished them yet. You can read my reviews of the previous episodes here, here, and here. I’ve criticised Life Is Strange for a few…