Browsing all posts tagged with adventure games.

Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarök – Review

Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarök – Review

“I took imagination, light and space and with these things I built a great city.” Wittard Utopia; one man’s dream that sadly never realised its full potential. A building intended to house an entire city under one roof: apartments, restaurants, leisure facilities, shops, bars and…

Jolly Rover – Review

Jolly Rover – Review

Your name: Gaius James Rover. Your ambition: to be a famous clown and have your own circus. Not exactly what you’d expect from the main character in a piratey point and click adventure game, but it’s certainly different. That and the fact you are a…

Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir – Review

Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir – Review

In 1651 the wealthy and powerful Emperor Zojir died and was buried in his tomb alongside his riches. He lay protected, not only by puzzles and traps, but by seven stones enchanted by the Emperor’s mage, Tamarac.  These stones summon bloodthirsty ghosts and undead creatures…