Insert Disc Two? Are You Mad?

Insert Disc Two? Are You Mad?

There are times in my life where I read a news story and wonder “is this classed as real news now, or is it just a really slow day today?” For instance, I recently saw that NASA had come out and said that the sci-fi…

Diablo III Beta Impressions

Diablo III Beta Impressions

There are few titles that invoke such a high level of nostalgia as Diablo, its very name having been used to all but describe an entire genre since it first saw release.  Similar games have never just been ‘dungeon crawlers’ or one of the myriad…

Population Explosion At The Gathering

Population Explosion At The Gathering

As someone who has been lucky enough to travel the gaming universe within the space of six months, starting from PAX East, through the incredible extravaganza that is E3 and finishing off at Gamescom, the thought had never occured to me that there could possibly…