Browsing all 888 posts in Gaming Musings.

I Heart Second Sight…

I Heart Second Sight…

When Free Radical Design closed their doors, it was one of the first major gaming casualties of the recession. Created by former members of Rare, and taking their experiences from Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark, Free Radical made their name from the Timesplitters franchise. The…

Evolving Character Creation

Evolving Character Creation

Written by Mik Furie Drowning in dice Do you want to know a geeky little secret that I swore to carry to the grave, but which I’ve slowly come to terms with as I realised we geeks now rule the world? I have a memory…

From Tiny Acorns

From Tiny Acorns

There are those who would have us believe that the minute atmospheric change caused by a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil could have somehow been responsible for a tornado in Texas, but this is something that I’ve never personally subscribed to. While I find…