Chris P

About the author...
I'm currently a student at the University of Abertay, Dundee studying Game Design and Production Management, and absolutely love it. I've been gaming since I was at least three years old and have been ever since.

Although I do like to think I'm a bit of a PC Elitist (and why wouldn't you be?) I own a PS3, Xbox 360, PSP, iPhone and even have Kinect. I love games and love writing about them. I'm also into other geeky things like books, comics, films and TV shows, but that's less relevant in this case. I played World of Warcraft (I have three accounts, all inactive), EVE Online, APB Reloaded and Star Wars: The Old Republic. MMOs can be a problem for me.

I play all sorts of games, with my three pillars being strategy, role playing and shooters. My favourite games of these would have to be Command and Conquer 3, Neverwinter Nights (or Star Wars: The Old Republic currently) and Half-Life 2 respectively. Though I do play a lot of other genres, I don't like sports games unless they bring something unrealistic. Why play a realistic sports game when I can get a group of friends together and "play" it with them?

Star Wars is important to me. The Lord of the Rings is amazing. Deadpool is the best super hero. I can recite the Sith Code. Lastly, give me a fantasy character creater and I'll pick an Elf, most likely a Drow/Dunmer/Dark Elf.

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