Browsing all posts tagged with US Airways.

It Won’t Stop a Shotgun – The Journey Home

It Won’t Stop a Shotgun – The Journey Home

The journey home... If the journey out was a trek enough, then the voyage home was going to be ten times worse.  For a start, we had to be out of the Duplex by arse o’clock in the morning.  Or 10 am as it is…

From Hell’s Heart, I Stab At Thee

From Hell’s Heart, I Stab At Thee

Taking over the world, one tweet at a time Ten bags, one train, one bus, two planes, three airports, and a taxi.  One lost bag, one baggage-left-on-train heart attack, one killer hill, four dodgy meals, two severe cramps, three agonising kneecaps, and a headache.  The…