Browsing all posts tagged with Tropico 5.

The Richie Report – The Annual Reflection of One Quite Bitter Being

The Richie Report – The Annual Reflection of One Quite Bitter Being

It was the year that was the year in Back to the Future 2 or 1 or fucking 3. I don’t know. It was the year that was two years before the ants arrive in Earth Defense Force. That’s right, 2015 was a…

Tropico 5 – Review

Tropico 5 – Review

History is replete with examples of dictators and tyrants whose hair, as much as their megalomania, has ensured their place in the halls of memory. Hitler, with his thumb-smudge moustache, Kim Jong Il and his… whatever, and, of course, Simon Cowell. Hell, even Hasselhoff’s luxuriant…

Tropico 5 – Gamescom Preview

Tropico 5 – Gamescom Preview

If you were to visit the website for Tropico, you’d see a little sidebar on the left. On it are a few bits of information; there’s one about the age rating (‘T’ for ‘teen’, in case you were wondering) and one which tells you more…