Browsing all posts tagged with The Escapists.

The Richie Report – Dr Frank’s Requies Experiment and 90046 Expedition

The Richie Report – Dr Frank’s Requies Experiment and 90046 Expedition

Stand by your beds! Hello, naughty poppets. It’s that time again. Richie Report in your face like a can of mace, baby. Is it burning? Well fuck it, now you’re learning. It’s August, and that means a summer drought with enough human misery to bring…

The Escapists – Review

The Escapists – Review

The Shawshank Redemption, Prison Break, maybe if you’re old enough, a little bit of Porridge or The Great Escape - chances are you’ve had some sort of exposure to what life isn’t quite like behind bars. It isn’t all chipping away at brick walls,…

The Escapists – Preview

The Escapists – Preview

It turns out that escaping from prison is hard, much harder than TV, movies and numerous games had led me to believe. You can’t simply hide in a laundry hamper or tunnel under the walls with a spoon because guards tend to notice that sort…