Browsing all posts tagged with space strategy.

Spacecom – Preview

Spacecom – Preview

There are a great many variations of strategy game in the world, from the city builder to the historically accurate war simulator, all of which are presented in their own unique way with mechanics ranging from the incredibly simple to the immeasurably deep. However, at…

FTL: Faster Than Light: Advanced Edition – Review

FTL: Faster Than Light: Advanced Edition – Review

I was sitting at the bar when it happened, shot glass in hand, counting down the minutes until that ugly-as-hell Rockman returned with my dinner. I forget his name, but christ was he ugly. I’d rather sit in a Mantis prison with a rotting Slug…

Drox Operative – Preview

Drox Operative – Preview

Space is back in fashion. It used to be that every other game was set in the inky void; from the early days of Elite, through X-Wing, Wing Commander, Freelancer, X, Galactic Civilizations, Master Of Orion, Freespace, Homeworld and numerous other smaller titles in-between, but…