Browsing all posts tagged with SNES.

It’s Not me…It’s You.

It’s Not me…It’s You.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if you don't take it out and use it, it's going to rust. Or just get really dusty. Somewhere, somehow, I fell out of love and I don’t remember when.   From an early age I championed Nintendo’s ugly grey…



I apologise for even including this. It's one of those "you can never unsee it" moments. Fanboy ‘noun’
Pronunciation: fan-boi
Definition: see below My research into the term “fanboy” hasn’t yielded much in the way of reliable information. I know that its first use could…

Be My Player Two

Be My Player Two

At least this guy has his prorities right... make the house out of ice yeah, but make sure you can still get on XBL It takes a lot of work for this site to run as well as it does. Some people might take Victor’s…