Browsing all posts tagged with Side Scrolling Shooter.



ARMED SEVEN, a game developed by Astro Port, puts you in the cockpit of a small robot warrior as you fight wave after wave of enemies in a side-scrolling arcade-style shoot-em-up that made games like R-Type and Resogun famous. Unfortunately I highly doubt that ARMED

Gunslugs – Review

Gunslugs – Review

Gunslugs is a run-and-gun shooter that originated out in mobile phone land as one of many games by the highly-profilic Orange Pixel game studio. After a great reception from critics it has now been ported to the Vita by Abstraction, the team that converted Hotline

Shoot Many Robots – Review

Shoot Many Robots – Review

From the ingenious title, I think that you could pretty much surmise the premise of this game. I will tell you this now, though, just to avoid all of the fluffy descriptive bullshit: you are going to shoot many, MANY robots. Right. Now that we’ve…