Browsing all posts tagged with score attack.

Derrick The Deathfin – Review

Derrick The Deathfin – Review

When I was significantly younger than I am now, a singing lobster once imparted his wisdom upon me, with a musical assurance that “Darling it’s better, down where it’s wetter, take it from me”. As it turns out, you shouldn’t trust everything you hear from…

Indie Overload – Part Two

Indie Overload – Part Two

These Robotic Hearts of Mine When it comes to narratives and storytelling, videogames are still considered to be in their infancy by many, and for good reason. Many games just insist on treading the same ground over and over again with little variation, and some…

Swarm – Review and Interview

Swarm – Review and Interview

Some gamers tend to err on the side of sadistic.  You know who you are.  Those gamers take great pleasure in throwing their characters off cliffs, out of choppers, and in front of cars to see what will happen. They provoke the local wildlife (be …