Browsing all posts tagged with Saints Row.

Comedy in Video Games

Comedy in Video Games

You are paying for that snake to be dry-cleaned They say that comedy equals tragedy plus time. And usually, that’s true. Take an awkward or tragic situation, put enough hours on the clock between it and the present and voila, humour occurs. Television and film…

Saints Row IV – Review

Saints Row IV – Review

Omar Little once said “you come at the king, you best not miss.” When you’re going up against the GTA series, it’s hard to carve out a niche for yourself. Many original IPs have tried and failed to make a mark, and history is littered…

Saints Row IV – Interview With Senior Producer Jim Boone

Saints Row IV – Interview With Senior Producer Jim Boone

Saints Row is one of the most ballistic and insane series around, with more audacious laughs and ludicrous action than you can shake a dildo baseball-bat at. It often seems like there’s nowhere that the series won’t dare to go, and with this chapter of…