Browsing all posts tagged with PS Vita.

Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable – Review

Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable – Review

The next generation of consoles is somewhat overdue now, especially as the halfway step has already been made thanks to the Wii-U (this generation’s Dreamcast, but not as cuddly). So before long the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 will be gaming history and with most…

Where The Games Have Gone

Where The Games Have Gone

Over the past 18 or so months there has been a general consensus that creativity in the industry is drying up.  From letters pages in magazines to forum posts on websites, the onslaught of complaints is near inescapable.  And, fair dos, these grumblings aren’t totally…

EDF 2017 PS Vita Screens Released

The news that possibly the cheesiest game in existence (until, that is, someone makes a videogame of T. J. Hooker), otherwise known as Earth Defense Force 2017, was set to be released on the PS Vita was music to the ears of several folk, here…