Browsing all posts tagged with Playstation 3.

Bad Company 2 – First Look

Bad Company 2 – First Look

Its been a while since I’ve been seen round these parts with one of these article things, which is largely down to the fact that I recently got married, and that takes up a hellofalot of time (preparations, ceremony, the dinner afterwards, the consummation, the…

Gaming Divisions

Gaming Divisions

No matter which platform is your particular poison, you'll always be wrong somewhere. It's gamer law. Games traditionally have been divided along clear lines into separate genres, each one with its own sub-types and core demographic of fans. There are the role-playing games and strategy…

Two Worlds II – A Look Ahead

Two Worlds II – A Look Ahead

Anyone who knows the slightest thing about my gaming habits will be aware of the fact that I prefer to immerse myself in one game at a time and, depending on workload and the depth of the game, this could mean literally playing the same…