Browsing all posts tagged with Playstation 3.

Move Kills Kinect, Already!

Move Kills Kinect, Already!

I know what you’re thinking, another headline with little substance. Another Sony fanboy dissing the fruits of Microsoft’s labours before it’s even hit the shops. But I can justify this standpoint, having splashed out on the full Move set up including three Move controllers and…

iLust After Something New

iLust After Something New

Who doesn't love their XBox? I’m in love. I am in love with my Xbox 360. We’ve grown extremely close these past two years and I like to think he’s as fond of me as I am of him. He’s dependable, always there when I…

Make a Move, Sony

Make a Move, Sony

E3: the biggest cock waving event of the gaming calendar. On Monday Microsoft waved their Kinect about, yesterday morning Miyamoto struggled to get his four year old Wiimote to work and yesterday afternoon, Sony got their glowing end out. It was glorious. Before that however,…