Browsing all posts tagged with Playstation 3.

Resistance 3 Interview with Jon Pacquette

Resistance 3 Interview with Jon Pacquette

Back when GamingLives was in Germany for Gamescom, I managed to get one last look at ‘Resistance 3′ before its launch. One of the very strange things about being in those preview rooms at Gamescom is that when a presentation ended, one of the developers…

Starhawk Preview

Starhawk Preview

The spiritual successor to one of the PSN’s first big hits, Warhawk, is almost with us. It’s not a direct sequel and isn’t set in the same universe, it only shares part of its name, but Starhawk does retain those same core gameplay values which…

One Girl, Two Pads

One Girl, Two Pads

Two years ago I won a really fantastic competition. It included a television, surround sound system, bottles of champagne, pink Marc de Champagne truffles (which I shouldn’t have eaten because they’re divine but hugely expensive so I can never buy myself any. I’d also like…