Browsing all posts tagged with micro-transactions.

Assassin’s Creed 3 To Feature Micro-Transactions

Of all the games we didn’t expect to have in-game micro-transactions, it was Assassin’s Creed.  After all, what does Desmond ‘Mr Happy’ Miles need with a traffic-cone hat?  Still, it seems that Ubisoft are introducing a new credit system, known as Erudito Credits, with which…

The Future is Free (To Play)

The Future is Free (To Play)

"I know, it's ridiculous isn't it?" Many years ago, before the world had descended into economic chaos and a dog had been lauded as the most talented person in Britain, there was a well-established business model for games – companies would make a game and…

Victory: The Age of Racing – Preview

Victory: The Age of Racing – Preview

The free-to-play model is rapidly becoming a favourite of development companies for getting games out there and making them available to a wide audience in an accessible manner. Of course, the problem with making games is that they cost money, and the problem with free-to-play…