Browsing all posts tagged with Metro 2033.

Games Of Future Past

Games Of Future Past

Despite being the first full year of the PlayStation 4’s and Xbox One’s lives, and the second of Wii U’s, 2014 will likely be remembered by most gamers as the year of the re-release.  “Remastered”, “Definitive Edition”, “Redux” and other similar title extensions have been…

I Heart… Metro 2033

I Heart… Metro 2033

I run down a dark tunnel – the remains of our crumbling Metro system – away from the fanged beasts that pursue me. The entire area is bathed in poisonous gas – deadly air that has drifted in from the surface, threatening to erase the

Metro: Last Light – Review

Metro: Last Light – Review

It’s been a great year for stunningly-realised worlds in gaming so far.  First was Tomb Raider’s island of mystery, Yamatai, then came along BioShock Infinite’s city in the clouds, Columbia, and now we have Metro: Last light’s dilapidated network of underground tunnels residing under a…