Browsing all posts tagged with Limbo.

The Gaming Bucket List

The Gaming Bucket List

"I know something you don't know... I know something you don't know..." “Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go when we die?”… three questions to which Stephen Hawking probably knows the answers, but refuses to publish because he’s sick…

DmC: Devil May Cry – Review

DmC: Devil May Cry – Review

I almost always struggle to write the first sentence of a review. Generally that’s because I want to capture the tone of the game and give an impression of how I felt about it right from the start. The issue this time however, is that…

If Music Be The Food Of Love, Game On

If Music Be The Food Of Love, Game On

A few years back, a friend of mine was helping me power through the campaign of Halo 2. Close to the end of it there’s a certain point when the alien collective arrayed against mankind breaks apart and a civil war erupts. The player is…