Browsing all posts tagged with leaderboards.

Don’t Judge Me

Don’t Judge Me

It could all fall apart at any moment. The rain bears down with no end in sight, the light fixtures nearby seemingly illuminating each drop. Every shadow is an ally, every presence other than my own an imminent danger. I turn a familiar corner, safe…

Blue Estate – Review

Blue Estate – Review

So here’s something right out of left field.  Blue Estate by HE-SAW (nope, me neither) is what might be described as a rampaging tale of violence and revenge that is based on an obscure comic, and comes to the PS4 with an unexpected control system.…

Rank 30 On The Most Pointless Leaderboard In The World

Rank 30 On The Most Pointless Leaderboard In The World

Did you know that the person ranked 5054th on the Penny Arcade Adventures: On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness XBLA leaderboard has 329 kills? That’s a fact. You can check if you want, but I wouldn’t recommend it. The only reason I know that fact…