Browsing all posts tagged with Just Cause 2.

Four Hours Into The Future

Four Hours Into The Future

Bill Bailey goes apeshit on his latest heckler When IO Interactive inexplicably decided to ignore their Hitman franchise to produce a follow-up to Kane and Lynch, nobody had high expectations for it. And rightly so. They may have made the fantastic Freedom Fighters (a nifty…

GamingLives Game Of The Year 2010 – Part The First

GamingLives Game Of The Year 2010 – Part The First

It’s that time of year again. The weather is colder, Christmas is coming up faster than ever, and the games publishers have made their big last throws of the dice in their bid to separate you from your money during the holiday season. It’s around…

Tropic Blunders

Tropic Blunders

Tropical islands can be dangerous places. They’re usually controlled by fascist dictators running the country to their own ends, they often have several gangs – each with their own quirky gimmicks, there’s occasionally a shady US military presence trying to overthrow the current president and…