Browsing all posts tagged with Hoth.

Lost Planet 3 – Review

Lost Planet 3 – Review

Gaming of late has become bogged down with emulating the ‘real’. From endless military shooters to gritty reboots of once-famous videogame icons, it is increasingly becoming an art form that imitates life. I often long for a seemingly-bygone era, yearning for a game that thrills…

Lost Planet 3 – Preview

Lost Planet 3 – Preview

When it comes to third-person shooters, everyone has a preference; some like them hot, some like them cold, and some like them in sub-zero temperatures fighting for their lives against hordes of monsters that need to be killed for their delicious thermal energy. The Lost…

Dead Space 3 – E3 Preview

Dead Space 3 – E3 Preview

When Dead Space was released back in 2008, it arguably revitalised the ailing survival horror genre thanks to its incredible sound design and use of atmosphere, and was one of the most legitimately-scary games around. To this day, I still can’t bring myself to finish…