Browsing all posts tagged with historical RTS.

Total War: Attila – Review

Total War: Attila – Review

War. Ron Perlman once claimed it never changes, but I’m not exactly a firm believer in that. After all, it’s a far cry from the days when Ug first caved someone’s head in with a large shiny rock just because Garr’s wife looked better than…

Supreme Ruler: Cold War – Review

Supreme Ruler: Cold War – Review

Ever since I was old enough to know how to operate a mouse and keyboard, I’ve loved the RTS genre. I am a belligerent console user – unless forced, I will stick by my pad, building my gamerscore, neglecting my dust-ridden laptop as it flickers…

Lionheart: Kings’ Crusade Review

Lionheart: Kings’ Crusade Review

The RTS genre comes in many flavours these days. The casual gamers are enjoying the no fuss, boiled down, fast paced fun found in titles such as Command & Conquer, Dawn of War and Halo Wars. The traditionalists are still happily playing through Age of…