Browsing all posts tagged with Handsome Jack.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Review

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Review

When you’re responsible for creating a game such as Borderlands, one of the greatest risks you face is forever living up to the expectations of the masses.  Those trademark quirks become ingrained into the psyche of the player, making them a prerequisite for all…

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Preview

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Preview

There are many franchises which sustain their following on the strength of repetition and reiteration, where the name on the box art may change slightly but the gameplay remains the same.  For some, it’s exactly what they want, as any changes made to the model…

There’s Something About Jack

There’s Something About Jack

Jeffrey Dahmer - a man after my own heart. For lunch. In reality, the villain is usually a pretty simple character.  They exist because they simply do; their actions typically fuelled by a need to control those around them at all costs, and this…