Browsing all posts tagged with grinding levels.

Destiny – The Thin Line Between Boredom and Immersion

Destiny – The Thin Line Between Boredom and Immersion

As someone who could easily be described as a ‘niche gamer’ – rarely venturing outwith my comfort zone of western RPGs, strategy games, and the odd sniper/stealth game – it’s fairly easy to let the majority of releases pass by without affording them much attention. …

Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy – Review

Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy – Review

There’s something very comfortable about a decent RPG; several elements are invariably laced through the genre that makes settling into a new game something easy and familiar. You might be setting out on a new adventure, but the core will always be the same.  Half-Minute…