Browsing all posts tagged with Gray Matter.

Gray Matter – Review

Gray Matter – Review

Gray Matter is another of those games which has slipped the bonds of a protracted development and finally escaped to see a release. While it may be a genre away from Alan Wake and Duke Nukem, Gray Matter’s history has been no less painful, bouncing…

The Great GL 2011 Adventure Roundup

The Great GL 2011 Adventure Roundup

If 2011 is shaping up to be a great year for games in general, then the adventure genre is preparing itself for its own impressive assault on the gaming calendar, with a slew of promising titles marshalling themselves behind some rebellious standouts. In the first…

Gray Matter Slips to February 2011

We'd be too scared to even deliver milk here, frankly The anticipated adventure, Gray Matter has had its October release pushed back into next year.  Publisher Lace Mamba announced the slippage today, giving the new release date as 25th February 2011 for both the Xbox…