Browsing all posts tagged with gaming memories.

I Spy With My GoldenEye

I Spy With My GoldenEye

Have you gone back to play GoldenEye 007 for the N64 recently? On an actual N64 with the physical game cartridge and proper N64 controller? It sounds like a lovely experience doesn’t it? Dusting off the N64, blowing on the cartridge, take the old girl…

Best of 2015: A Game of Two Halves

Best of 2015: A Game of Two Halves

First Published: Nov 27, 2015
Voted For By: Keegan, Ed
Reason(s) For Vote:
“I’m a serial non-completionist, and right here Lorna just gets me, you know? Sheer, unadulterated love for a game can be tarnished by a little absence and though you can almost bring

A Game of Two Halves

A Game of Two Halves

I can’t remember when I finally gave in to temptation and began to play Borderlands, but it was several years ago. It must have been, because Mark and I were able to pour hours into knocking down the Steam achievements for the game’s Moxxi’s…