Browsing all posts tagged with GameStop.

GameStop Stores Begin To Close

Bad news for those who favour bricks and mortar over online retail, as GameStop have begun closing their Northern Ireland retail stores as part of their grand plan to get off the high streets and focus their energies on their online business. Speaking to…

Exclusive Exclusions

Exclusive Exclusions

There is an increasing trend happening with games that I’m not too happy about. I seem to have been more annoyed about it with past occurrences so I’m either getting used to this fiasco or have given up caring; I’m referring to the so called…

Offering Kudos

Offering Kudos

Kudos (n)
1. Respect given to a skilled individual
2. Praise bestowed upon for status achieved
3. Honour awarded to the ultimate winner This was a loading screen from Metropolis Street Racer, a racing game on the Dreamcast. This was also the first time I…