Browsing all posts tagged with gamescom 2013 preview.

War Thunder – Preview

War Thunder – Preview

There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind . . . Orr would be crazy to fly more

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – Preview

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – Preview

There’s a Fantastic Four cartoon from the seventies where Magneto shows up at a gas station. The attendant asks him if he needs any gas, and Magneto says ‘my car has no need for gas!’, before he lifts it with his mind and starts

XCOM: Enemy Within – Preview

XCOM: Enemy Within – Preview

When I was younger, my dad would delight in telling me how Napoleon, when being told of the virtues of a new General, would listen to their informed skills and attributes and then remark “That’s all well and good, but is he lucky?”. Napoleon…