Browsing all posts tagged with fighting games.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – Review

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – Review

You’d think that the fighting genre was fairly limited; all you’re doing, really, is wearing down a health bar. But Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has done something that fighting games have been claiming to do for a very long time – it’s delivered genuine innovation. …

Double Dragon: Neon – Review

Double Dragon: Neon – Review

Ask any gamer of a certain age to name an ’80s scrolling beat-’em-up and the odds are that Double Dragon will be the first title to come of out of their crumbling, aged gob. It’s one of those few examples of a game that practically…

Injustice: Gods Among Us – Preview

Injustice: Gods Among Us – Preview

For a long time I have had a lot of love for the characters that are found in comic books, and superheroes and supervillains have long been two of my favourite things. Over the years I have begun to see the differences between the two…