Browsing all posts tagged with Fable 3.

That Special Someone

That Special Someone

They could be the one! Finding ‘the one’ is difficult. You know who I mean; the one you can share everything with, who’s always there for you when you’re having a bad day. You can call them at any time and they’ll run halfway across…

Fable 3 – Review

Fable 3 – Review

And so our story begins… again. It’s been two years since Lionhead Studios released the acclaimed action RPG Fable II, and the franchise has cemented Lionhead as one of the UK’s best known development companies and this success is continued with Fable III. Fable III…

Sex Sells Again In Fable 3

Well, it wouldn’t be Fable without prostitutes and this picture doing the rounds goes to show that Lionhead won’t be letting us down on that score at least.  Albion may be moving on in terms of industry, but it is still as satisfyingly debauched and…