Browsing all posts tagged with E3 2012.

Where To Catch The E3 Conferences

It is fast approaching that time of year again, when the good, the bad, and the ugly roll up to LA and display their wares for the rest of us to either “Ohhh” and “Ahhh” over, or otherwise turn up our noses at (Kinect).  Yes…

Activision Court Scrap Pushed Back to E3 Week

As if it wasn’t a tense enough case, the court date for the West/Zampella vs Activision scrap has now been moved from 29th May to 1st June.  Four days before the start of E3.  No matter if the case gets wrapped up pretty quickly, we…

Microsoft Conference To Be Streamed Over Xbox Live

When E3 swings around every year, major gaming sites are usually inundated with viewers eager to catch the big press conferences being streamed live.  After all, who could live with themselves if they missed Nintendo bleating endlessly on about their sales figures (perhaps not so…