Browsing all posts tagged with E3 2012.

RaiderZ and Neverwinter – Preview

RaiderZ and Neverwinter – Preview

This year appeared to be all about MMOs at E3, with some thirty plus titles being showcased in the genre. Planetside 2, End of Nations and Defiance have all been seen by the GL crew at some point, and I got in to see Perfect…

Metro: Last Light E3 Gameplay Revealed

Fans of Metro will undoubtedly be blown away by the footage released by THQ today – footage we at GL were lucky enough to see several times between E3 and THQ UK’s own pre-E3 press event.  For those of you who haven’t yet played Metro…

Borderlands 2: Interview with Gearbox VP Steve Gibson

Borderlands 2: Interview with Gearbox VP Steve Gibson

Meet Sir Hammerlock. Nice 'tache, mate. Unless you’ve been living under a skag-pile, you’ll undoubtedly have heard by now that Borderlands is getting a sequel and, unless said skag-pile didn’t come with a net connection, or you’ve never read the site before, you’d also be…