Browsing all posts tagged with E3 2011 preview.

Lucius – E3 Preview

Lucius – E3 Preview

I wasn’t exactly your normal child growing up.  While all the neighbourhood kids bounced around outside with their Pogo Sticks and Lolo Balls, or waged war on each other with Action Men or Action Force figures, I was usually reading about the paranormal or watching…

Saints Row The Third Interview With Writer Drew Holmes

Saints Row The Third Interview With Writer Drew Holmes

Watching somebody take one to the nuts is always funny.  Granted, I know it’s low-brow, but still, you’re a liar if you’ve never laughed when you’ve seen it happen. Saints Row The Third isn’t all nutshots though, it’s a full-on colourful experience that just lets…

The Darkness II – E3 Preview

The Darkness II – E3 Preview

In The Darkness II you play as Jackie Estacado, a member of a New York crime family, who is partly possessed by a being known as “the Darkness”. I did start to type up a nice little intro for you all, running through the events…