Browsing all posts tagged with DotA 2.

Operation 2012

Operation 2012

Right! Listen up you ‘orrible lot! Especially you, Jenkins.  We may have just recuperated from one of the most punishing and brutally long campaigns we’ve ever attempted, and I know some of you lot are still dragging your heels about coming back from Cyrodiil just…

GamingLives TV Gamescom 2011 Special

GamingLives TV Gamescom 2011 Special

Between the 18th and the 21st of August 275,000 people headed to Cologne, Germany for the biggest video games expo on the planet. Luckily, was there in attendance and has all the details on some of the next 12 months’ hottest games. Just above,…

DotA 2 – Interview with Valve’s Erik Johnson

DotA 2 – Interview with Valve’s Erik Johnson

Lee talks to Erik Johnson from Valve, the Senior Project Manager on Defense of the Ancients 2 about building a sequel to a game that started off as a mod, e-sports, balancing out the heroes and the possibility of a DotA hat shop.  As well…