Browsing all posts tagged with crysis.

Virtually Reality

Virtually Reality

Video games really are a wonderful thing. Each and every one opens up a world of infinite possibilities where everything that we’d only ever dreamed of in our wildest fantasies can come true. We can be great heroes, despicable villains, and outstanding sportsmen. We meet…

I’m Afraid You Have Consolitis

I’m Afraid You Have Consolitis

Written by Kapil Bhatt With the persistence of the current generation and promises from the likes of Microsoft and Sony that their current generation platforms will have a ten year cycle, it comes to question if games are being held back by conforming to the…

Crysis 2 – Review

Crysis 2 – Review

On the front cover of Crysis 2, the review banner at the top reads: “The best looking game on console – IGN.” That’s a big claim to have printed on top of the game’s case – anyone casually passing by, looking at that bold statement,…