Browsing all posts tagged with Commodore 64.

Gaming Deaths

Gaming Deaths

We live in the age of the FPS. The biggest selling games are your standard first-person shooters that are designed to pit you, the sane kind of chap or chapess who reads Gaming Lives, against the kind of uber-fuckwits that make up the majority of…

You See Nothing

You See Nothing

People believe that Da Vinci's art showed futuristic visions... but not this one. Pac-Man was from the 80s and that was AGES ago! There are times when I stop and think about how good graphics look in games these days. There is so much detail…

Loader Bollocks

Loader Bollocks

Loading, even the word makes me feel tired. For gamers who like to play on old machines, loading is a facet of gaming which just hasn’t gone away. Some people even relish in it, bathing in the glorious high pitched babble of classic 8-bit cassettes.…