Browsing all posts tagged with Claptrap.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Review

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Review

When you’re responsible for creating a game such as Borderlands, one of the greatest risks you face is forever living up to the expectations of the masses.  Those trademark quirks become ingrained into the psyche of the player, making them a prerequisite for all…

Poker Night at the Inventory 2 – Review

Poker Night at the Inventory 2 – Review

When the original Poker Night at the Inventory was announced, it was kind of a strange one. No one had quite expected Telltale Games, makers of fabulous point ‘n’ clicks such as Sam & Max and Back to the Future: The Game, to suddenly come…

Profoundly In Love With Pandora

Profoundly In Love With Pandora

The mind of man is as fragile as it is strong.  Catching sight of something poignant can have a varied effect on the mindset, depending on which particular aspect of the memory is being triggered, so seeing a treasured locket from a long-gone take-no-prisoners relative…